Frequently Asked Question

The following are frequently asked questions by customers.

How is Sucofindo's Commitment in Efforts to Handle the Covid-19 Virus

SUCOFINDO continues to prioritize the safety and health of its employees and loyal customers by increasing efforts to prevent the spread of the Corona virus (COVID-19).

How Sucofindo's Operations Serve Customers

SUCOFINDO's operations and services to customers continue to run by making adjustments. SUCOFINDO also has digital services as an alternative solution for customers to reduce direct contact, because it can be done anywhere and anytime. This is also in line with the government's appeal under current conditions to reduce activities outside the home and implement physical distancing.

Is it safe for me to make a visit to Sucofindo?

Safe, because we continue to comply with government procedures in implementing PSBB. Our customer service that serves you is required to wear a mask, maintain a safe distance, maintain cleanliness and we make sure that you are not sick.

What are Sucofindo's Efforts Regarding the Handling of the Corona Virus?

a. We have implemented protocols and preventive measures. This is to ensure the safety of our employees and loyal customers as the company's top priority. These efforts include: b. Disinfecting buildings and head office, and gradually being forwarded to all buildings and branch offices. c. Carry out advanced disinfection and deep cleaning, as well as provide disinfection tents for visitors at entry and exit access points in the building area. d. Implementing a body temperature checking protocol in SUCOFINDO's office and branch networks as well as providing hand sanitizers in the work environment and branch offices for the comfort and health of customers and employees. e. Implementing a policy of working time division for employees, namely working from home (work from home/WFH and work from office/WFO) to the fullest. f. To ensure smooth operations, a separate work system has been arranged for critical work units (split operation). g. Routinely appeals to employees to continue to pay attention and take good care of themselves and their families, wash their hands frequently, wear masks when sick with flu or cough, limit gatherings with many people, and apply safe distance (physical distancing).